What We Stand For

We are the Roosevelt Ram.  What we stand for is Raising Achievement and Merit.  This can be linked to the qualities of our school mascot...We are the Ram.

  1. The RAM has very strong horns on its head to convey that they are very powerful.  Like the ram the Roosevelt Ram will be empowered to show their drive to learn new things and their determination to master what was learned.
  2. The RAM symbolizes leadership and authority.  Like the ram the Roosevelt Ram will know that good leaders are also good followers and that their authority will be used toward the greater good of others.
  3. The RAM  is very protective of other rams.  Like the ram the Roosevelt Ram will protect our school through a strong sense of pride and respect for Roosevelt Elementary School.
  4. The RAM is in unity with other rams.  They walk together in harmony.   Like the ram the Roosevelt Ram will work in harmony together in the classroom, hallways, recess, performances, and athletic courts.

We are the Ram.  All the Stars Above Are Our Limit.  

Go Rams!