Roosevelt's Vision

R.A.M. - Raising Achievement and Merit

The vision is that Roosevelt will be a premier school of distinction in District 148 that values academic and behavioral excellence through merit or earning it. Society is extremely competitive and nothing is given for free. It has to be earned. Given these points, we advocate that when children value earning an education, earning positive rewards, and earning their self-respect; they will go far in high school, college, career and community.


SMART GOALS 2018-2019:

  • Improve Student Attendance Rates to 95%.
  • Increase Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC) AYP Data by a Rate of 5-10%+ in ELA and Math.
  • Improve the Illinois 5 Essentials Survey Response Rates from Teachers (80% +) and Students (90%+); and achieve "Most Implementation" in all 5 categories.
  • Improve Culture and Climate by Reductions in Misconducts/Suspensions to Under 10% .

Improve ELA and Math Pedagogy by Integrating the "RAM 5C's" :

  • Creative Learning Classrooms structured to have Identifiable Learning Centers & Balanced Literacy Schedules
  • Critical Thinking Skills Lesson Planning & Activities that Develop Student Stamina and Perseverance
  • Collaboration through Guided Reading, Independent Reading, and Small Group Instruction
  • Cooperation Systems to Control Classroom Management
  • Communication Skill Development through the Art of Debate, Grammar/Writing, and Vocabulary

Capturing Kids Hearts Program (Social and Emotional Learning):

  • Daily Activities Using the EXCEL Model
  • Infusing Emotional Intelligence and Empathy in Teaching and Learning
  • School Beautification to Reinforce Positive Behavior Incentives and Systems (PBIS) to Enhance School Culture and Climate
  • Increase Parent, Family, and Community School Events that Empowers Students and Fosters Learning