Register online for 2024-2025
Online registration for all new and returning District 148 students is now open for the 2024-2025 school year. Click the button below to learn more.
The online process is quick and easy. A registration letter, also known as a snapcode letter, is being emailed the week of June 5, 2023 to all Parents/Guardians of returning* students.
The registration email contains a unique snapcode and information regarding the online registration process. The snapcode gives Parents/Guardians access to their child’s/children’s online registration forms. Paper registration forms will not be available.
Registration forms must be fully completed and submitted before your student can start school in the fall.
Registration News for This Year:
Returning Student Registration Form (English)
Returning Student Registration Form (Español)
Parents/Guardians who need to retrieve their snapcode can do so by sending an email to: after June 5, 2023. Parents/Guardians also can call their child’s/children’s school office after Monday, July 31, 2023. School offices are currently closed for the summer.
*A returning student is defined as having been enrolled in District 148 on the last day of school, which was June 2, 2023 and no transfer was requested.
Students new to the District must complete the online forms below and must complete the registration process by showing proof of residency in person from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Wednesday, August 2, 2023 or from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday, August 3, 2023. Current Illinois physical, dental, eye examination forms and immunization records should also be provided on these registration dates.
New Student Registration Form (English)
New Student Registration Form (Español)
Registration will take place at the school your child/children will attend this fall. Out-of-District placement students will be registered at District Office. Parents/Guardians of District 148 students can drop off their child’s/children’s current Illinois physical, dental, eye examination forms and immunization records at District Office during regular business hours.
Parents/Guardians of ECC students can sign up for a screening appointment at registration. Screenings will be from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. August 28, 2023 - September 1, 2023. Anyone who will be three years old by September 1, 2023 can be registered/screened.
Once registration forms are completed and submitted online you will need to prove residency and turn in physicals.
Registration for 2023-2024 for new students is not complete until proof of residency and physicals are turned in.
Please contact your school office if you do not have access to completing the forms online.
Other registration information is available here.
Having problems with the online form? You can call InfoSnap for assistance at 866.752.6850. If you have not received your access code please email for assistance. Please include your name, your student's name(s) and home school(s). Thank you.
Proof of Residency for all new students:
One of the following valid Picture I.D.'s:
Driver's License or State of Illinois Identification Card
And two of the following (with name, current address and date (within 30 days):
Mortgage Statement
Real Estate Tax Bill
Current Utility Bill (Electric or Gas)
Cable TV/Dish Bill
Telephone/Cell Phone Bill
Village Water Bill
Medicaid Card /w address included
Current Payroll/Government Check with address/Pension Check
3 Business Letters (3 letters count as one proof and must be current within 30 days. This may include Bank Statement/Credit Card Statement/Doctor Bill/ Insurance Bill but not personal letters.)
Leases are NOT accepted
All incoming PreSchoolers, Kindergartners, and 6th Graders must have an Illinois Physical including required vaccines. All students entering an Illinois school for the first time are required to have an Illinois Physical. Kindergartners also require a lead screening assessment, eye examination and dental examination. Sixth graders also require a dental examination. An original birth certificate must be provided for all new students. All of these documents can be brought in when proving residency. Parents/Guardians, for your convenience, incoming Kindergarten and 6th Grade student physical forms may be dropped off to Mrs. Melanie Llanes at District Office, 114 W. 144th Street, Riverdale, IL.
You can download the forms here:
Physical Form | Eye Examination Form | Dental Examination Form
Online registration must be completed and submitted for each child before coming to prove residency and turning in physicals. We thank you for your ongoing support during this exciting process.
Other registration information is available here.
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